Title |
Date |
Document Type |
Library/Archive |
160 Acres frit Land. 200 Mill. Acres dyrkbart Land i Vestlige Canada
Library and Archives Canada
20,000,000 Australians in Our Time!
8 Sep 1949
University of Melbourne Archives
40,000 Men Needed in Western Canada to Harvest 400,000,000 Bushels of Grain
Library and Archives Canada
The A. B. C. of Colonization in a Series of Letters
Printed Book
British Library
Address to the Labouring Classes of Britain on the Questions of an Equality in Property and Universal Suffrage
Printed Extract
The National Archives
An Address to Magistrates, Landowners and Rate-payers
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Address to the Working Classes, on the Advancement of Their Condition and Circumstances
Printed Extract
The National Archives
An Address to the Working Classes, Upon Their Present Condition, and the Best Means of Bettering it: With the Letters of William Vines, an Emigrant from Stroud, Containing an Account of His Last Three Years' Life in the United States, and Other Emigrants
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Advertisement for the Academy of Mr Ballantine, Hampstead Heath, London
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Affidavit from Clement Lega for Migrants Leon and Eleonora Van Lancker, Part 1
4 Jun 1920
Legal Papers
Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp
Affidavit from Clement Lega for Migrants Leon and Eleonora Van Lancker, Part 2
4 Jun 1920
Legal Papers
Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp
All About California: And the Inducements to Settle There
Printed Book
California Historical Society
Allan Line Handbook. Every Intending Emigrant to Canada or the United States Should Read This Book
Liverpool Record Office
American Committee on Italian Migration Correspondence and Papers, 1957
Jan 1956 - Nov 1957
Correspondence; Ephemera
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
American Committee on Italian Migration Correspondence and Papers, 1958
Jan-Dec 1958
Correspondence; Leaflet
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
American Committee on Italian Migration Correspondence and Papers, 1959
Aug-Dec 1959
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Leaflet; Ephemera
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
American Committee on Italian Migration Correspondence and Papers, 1959
Jan-Aug 1959
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Leaflet
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
American Committee on Italian Migration Correspondence and Papers, 1960
Jan-Sep 1960
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Leaflet
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Amerika und die Auswanderung Dahin zum Bedenken des Bedenklichen für Amerikaner und Deutsche: In Briefen an einem Freund
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Andrew Doyle, correspondence and papers related to the North Western District. Includes tables and details of orphaned children who were boarded out, including children boarded to Canada. Copy of Doyle's Report on the Working of the Public health Act 1872
Aug 1871 - May 1877
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Report
The National Archives
Angela Mischke Autobiography
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
The Armenians in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Artisans for Australia
May 1947
University of Melbourne Archives
Aussichten für Gebildete Deutsche in Nordamerika
Printed Book
British Library
Austin Papers. Series I: Volume I, Part 2
23 Apr 1812 - 2 Dec 1820
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Austin Papers. Series I: Volume I, Part 3
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Australia and Your Future
Jan 1952
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia and Your Future
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia and Your Future, 1946-1947
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia and Your Future, 1952
Jul 1952
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia As I Found It. Being the Actual Experience of an English Girl as Told by Herself
Museums Victoria
Australia Economic Emigration Association
22 Jan 1839
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Australia Information for You
Periodical; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Information for You
Periodical; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Information for You (Dutch Edition)
Jan-Oct 1954
Periodical; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Information for You (German Edition)
Periodical; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Invites the British Domestic Girl
The Robert Opie Collection
Australia is Not All Like This …
Jun 1946
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Needs All These People. Migration Facts
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia Offers Assisted Passages Under the Commonwealth Nomination Scheme
Dec 1950
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia To-day 1928
10 Nov 1927
Museums Victoria
Australia Unlimited. Immigration Builds the Nation
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia. The Great South Land
Printed Book
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia. Information for You
Pamphlet; Leaflet
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
Australia. Where the Tropics Meet the Snow
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia: General Correspondence. Original – Secretary of State
Correspondence; Legal Papers
The National Archives
Australia: Letters from Secretary of State. Domestic, 1833-1836
8 Sep 1833 - 19 Aug 1836
The National Archives
Australia: Letters from Secretary of State. Domestic, 1836-1837
19 Aug 1836 - 7 Apr 1837
The National Archives
The Australian Emigration Association
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Australian Emigration – Fort William
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Australians of Tomorrow
University of Melbourne Archives
Australia's Industrial Progress
The Robert Opie Collection
Australia's Mining Industries
The Robert Opie Collection
Autobiography of Saul Kaplan
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
The Background of Swedish Emigration to the United States. An Economic and Social Study in the Dynamics of Migration
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Bacon's Guide to America for the Capitalist, Tourist, or Emigrant. Embracing Climate, Soil, Agriculture, Manufactures, Prices of Lands and How to Secure Them, Homestead Laws, Naturalization, Wages, Cost of the Voyage, Railway Fares and Distances, and a Mass of Other General Information
Senate House Library, University of London
Benefit Emigration and Colonization Societies
Printed Extract
The National Archives
A Bill To Consolidate and Amend the Laws Which Regulate the Levy and Application of Parish Cesses and the Election of Parish Officers, and to Establish a Legal Provision of the Poor in Ireland
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Boy Settlement in Canada
Glenbow Museum
Brani Della Carriera Artistica Dell'Artista Comm. Rocco De Russo [Autobiography]
Oct 1971
Personal Account; Ephemera
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Bread with Seven Crusts [Joseph Splivalo Memoir]
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Breaking Land for an Orchard
Museums Victoria
A Brief Historical, Statistical and Descriptive Review of East Tennessee, United States of America: Developing its Immense Agricultural, Mining, and Manufacturing Advantages, with Remarks to Emigrants
Printed Book
British Library
British Columbia. Emigration, and Our Colonies, Considered Practically, Socially, and Politically
Printed Book
British Library
British Columbia: Canada's Most Westerly Province …
Glenbow Museum
By the Honourable Sir Alexander Cochrane, K. B. Vice Admiral of the Red, and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels, Upon the North American Station &c. &c. &c. A Proclamation
2 Apr 1814
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Senate House Library, University of London
California and its Resources. A Work for the Merchant, the Capitalist, and the Emigrant
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Robert Opie Collection
Canada and North America. Settlers, 1819. Volume 1. A to L
5 Jan-30 Dec 1819
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada and North America. Settlers, 1819. Volume 2. M to Z and Public Offices
4 Jan-28 Dec 1819
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada as a Field for Emigration. With Map
Printed Book
British Library
Canada House Correspondence
Jun-Dec 1880
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Canada in 1871; or Our Empire in the West. A Lecture, Delivered at the Russell Institution, London, 22nd January, 1872
22 Jan 1872
Printed Book
British Library
Canada Settlers, 1817, Volume 1, A-Z
2 Jan-29 Dec 1817
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada Settlers, 1817. Volume 2. Public Offices
4 Jan-29 Sep 1817
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada Settlers, 1818. Offices and Individuals A-I [Part 1]
5 Jan-31 Dec 1818
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada Settlers, 1818. Offices and Individuals J-W [Part 2]
1 Jan-26 Dec 1818
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Canada West
Glenbow Museum
Canada West: Canada – The New Homeland
Glenbow Museum
Canada West: Canada, the New Homeland
Glenbow Museum
Canada West: 'Last Best West' Homes for Millions
Glenbow Museum
Canada, 1883: Read This Pamphlet on Manitoba, the North-West Territory, and the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec
Glenbow Museum
Canada. Pamphlet for Working Men on Emigration, Labour, Wages, and Free Grants of Land
Senate House Library, University of London
Canada: The Land of Hope for the Settler and Artisan, the Small Capitalist, the Honest, and the Persevering. With a Description of the Climate, Free Grants of Land, Wages, and its General Advantages as a Field for Emigration
Printed Book
British Library
Canada's Welcome to Women
Glenbow Museum
The Canadian Emigrant: Being a Complete Guide to the Various Provinces of Canada, viz.: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Prince Edward's Island, British Columbia, Manitoba, and the North-West Territories
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
[Canadian emigration pamphlets]
1856 - 8 Apr 1884
British Library
Canadian National Railways [A Farmer]
Library and Archives Canada
Canadian North-West. Climate and Productions. A Misrepresentation Exposed
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Canadian Scribbler: Homes for the Millions
Glenbow Museum
Cape of Good Hope Commissioners of Enquiry, 1825. Emigration of Mr Ingram's Settlers and Apprentice Servants
Financial Papers; Correspondence; Legal Papers; Report
The National Archives
Carl Schurz Miscellaneous Correspondence
3 Sep 1847 - 22 Jul 1876
Correspondence; Manuscript; Newspaper
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Carl Schurz' School Essay
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Caroline Chisholm Scrapbook
Newspaper; Scrapbook; Ephemera
Museums Victoria
Cassell's Emigrants' Handbook: Being a Guide to the Various Fields of Emigration in All Parts of the Globe. With an Introductory Essay, on the Importance of Emigration, and the Danger to Which Emigrants are Exposed. To Which is Added, a Guide to the Gold Fields of Australia, With Copious Instruction, Government Regulations, etc., Accompanied by a Map of Australia, in Which the Gold Regions are Clearly Indicated
Printed Book
British Library
Celtic Migrations; A Paper Read Before the Dublin Statistical Society, on Monday, January 19, 1852
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Challenge of Change
2 Dec 1969
University of Melbourne Archives
The Chinese Question Analyzed. A Lecture Delivered in the Hall of the Young Men's Christian Association, November 13th, 1877
Printed Book
California Historical Society
Church State Colonization Confederacy
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Climate, Resources, Geography, Productions Etc., Etc. San Diego Illustrated
Printed Book
California Historical Society
The Colonial Empire of Great Britain, Especially in Its Religious Aspect. A Lecture, Addressed, in the Town Hall, at Stourbridge, to the Amblecote Church of England Young Men's Association
3 Dec 1849
Printed Book
British Library
Colonial Immigration Laws: A Study of the Regulation of Immigration by the English Colonies in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Colonial Office Information Sheets on Funds for Emigration and Information Respecting the Australia Colonies
8-18 Jul 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Colonization Circular, Part I, Canada, 1881 [Issued Separately] and Colonization Circular (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa), 1881
Printed Book
British Library
Colonization Circular. Issued by her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners. no. 1, 4-22. 1843-1863
13 May 1843 - 1863
Report; Printed Book
British Library
Colonization. The Canadian Agricultural, Coal & Colonization Company Limited, are prepared to Place Farmers on Completely Equipped and Stocked Farms of 160 Acres Each
Glenbow Museum
Colonization; Or a Project for Rendering Our Colonial Territories Accessible to the Population of the United Kingdom
Printed Book
British Library
Senate House Library, University of London
The Comic Almanack and Diary
Personal Account
Museums Victoria
The Committee for Promoting the Emigration of Females to the Australian Colonies
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Common Market and its Effect on European Migration to Australia
20 Oct 1962
University of Melbourne Archives
Comparative Advantages Between the United States and Canada, for British Settlers, Considered in a Letter, Addressed to Captain Allardyce Barclay, of Ury
Printed Book
British Library
Compaß für Auswanderer nach Angarn, Algerien, den Capcolonien, nach Australien, den Süd- und Mittelamerikanischen Staaten den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und Canada
Printed Book
British Library
Competence in a Colony Contrasted with Poverty at Home; or, Relief to Landlords and Labourers Held Out by Australian Colonization and Emigration. A Memorial Addressed to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell
Printed Book
British Library
Correspondence and Maps Regarding Emigration to Canada
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Correspondence Between Carl Schurz and Gottfried Kinkel
8 Mar 1849 - 8 Sep 1959
Correspondence; Pamphlet
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Correspondence Received by John and Bridget Curtis
3 May 1838 - 13 Nov 1903
Correspondence; Manuscript
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Correspondence Regarding Emigration and General Information from the Circular of the Commissioners for Emigration, Dated Colonial Office, 18th July 1831
18 Jul 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Correspondence Relative to the Emigration to Hayti, of the Free People of Colour, in the United States: Together with the Instructions to the Agent Sent Out by President Boyer
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Correspondence with Government Offices: Emigration
Mar 1836 - Mar 1876
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Correspondence with Poor Law Unions and Other Local Authorities: Bishops Stortford
Dec 1850 - 1852
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Cotton Culture and the South, Considered with Reference to Emigration
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Counsel for Emigrants, and Interesting Information From Numerous Sources; with Original Letters From Canada and the United States
Printed Book
British Library
Current American Notes By “Buz!”
Printed Book
British Library
Curtis Family Notebook
Personal Account
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Daheim ist doch Daheim. Nordamerikanische Bilder aus dem Munde Deutscher Auswanderer
Printed Book
British Library
Dairy Farming in Australia
Museums Victoria
The Darin Family: A Century Chronicle
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Der Nordamerikanische Freistaat Texas. Ein Handbuch für solche, die dahin, insbesondere aber nach dem der Deutschen Colonisationsgesellichaft für Texas angehörigen, in der County Berar gelegenen Landbezirt auswandern wollen
Printed Book
British Library
Des Auswanderers Schuß Diesseits und Jenseits des Oceans. Wegweiser für Auswanderer nach allen zur Einwanderung geeigneten Ländern und Gebieten in Nord, Mittel, und Süd-America, sorvie in Australien, nebst einer vergleichenden Busammenstellung der Münzen in sechszehn verschiedenen Staaten
Printed Book
British Library
Deutsche Colonisation, eine Replik aus das Referat des Herrn Dr. F. Kapp über Colonisation und Auswanderung
Printed Book
British Library
Diary by Robert Espie of the Treatment and Regulation of 97 Female Convicts and 23 Children, Together with 21 Free Women Passengers and 49 of their Children, Embarked on board the Lord Sidmouth at Woolwich in September 1822 for Passage to Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales
22 Aug 1822 - 1 Mar 1823
Personal Account
The National Archives
Diary of Alexander Begg 1843-1846
Nov 1842 - Sep 1846
Personal Account
Glenbow Museum
Die Deutsche Colonie Dona Francisca in Brasilien. Der Vortheilhafteste Punkt für Deutsche Auswanderer. Ein Rathgeber und Wegweiser für Deutsche Auswanderer dahin und nach Brasilien überhaupt. Nach Zahlreichen Brivatmittheilungen und Officiellen Nachrichten des Colonisationsvereins für 1849 in Hamburg
Printed Book
British Library
Die Deutschen in Amerika. Nüßliche und Interessante Mittheilungen über die Art und Weise, wie Deutsche in Amerika Reich Werden
Printed Book
British Library
Discharge Papers of Richard Smith
May 1802
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Discovery and Colonization of America, and Immigration to the United States: A Lecture Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, in Metropolitan Hall, on the 1st of June, 1853
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
"The Discovery of the Klondike" by Major Henry J. Woodside (1901)
Apr 1901
Glenbow Museum
The Disease and the Remedy: or, Parochial and National Emigration, Verses Parochial and National Pauperism
Printed Book
British Library
Displaced Persons Occupations, 1948-1949
2 Mar 1948 - 3 Jun 1949
Report; Correspondence; Leaflet; Ephemera
Special Collections & University Archives, University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dissenters' Mutual Friendly Colonizing Society; Upon a Plan Embodying the New Testament Principles, to the Exclusion of Those of an Anti-Christian Tendency
Printed Book
British Library
The District of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
Glenbow Museum
Division of Property
26 Oct 1850
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Eastern Canada: Canada the New Homeland
Glenbow Museum
Eastern Canada: Canada the New Homeland
Glenbow Museum
Edmonton, Province of Alberta: Opportunities: Agricultural, Industrial, Commercial, Reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Canadian Northern Railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
Glenbow Museum
Education in Australia
Feb 1948
University of Melbourne Archives
Education in Australia …
University of Melbourne Archives
Education in Australia …
University of Melbourne Archives
Eine Blume aus dem Goldenen Lande oder Los Angeles
Printed Book
California Historical Society
The Emigrant-Ship, and Other Poems
Printed Book
British Library
The Emigrant's Friend: Containing Information and Advice for Persons Intending to Emigrate to the United States
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Emigrant's Guide to Australasia. Tasmania and New Zealand. With a Map of New Zealand
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Emigrant's Guide to Australia. With a Memoir of Mrs. Chisholm
Printed Book
Museums Victoria
The Emigrant's Guide to the United States of America; Containing the Best Advice and Directions Respecting the Voyage, – Preservation of Health, – Choice of Settlement, &c. Also the Latest Information Concerning the Climate, Productions, Population, Manners, Prices of Land, Labour, and Provisions, and Other Subjects, Economical and Political, Affecting the Welfare of Persons About to Emigrate to the United States, and British America
Printed Book
British Library
The Emigrant's Guide: or, Sketches of Canada, with Some of the Northern and Western States of America. By a Scotch Minister, Thirty-six Years Resident in Canada – from 1831 to 1867
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Emigrants' Hand-Book of Facts, Concerning Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, etc. With the Relative Advantages Each of the Colonies Offers for Emigration, and Practical Advice to Intending Emigrants
Printed Book
British Library
The Emigrants' Handbook: Being a Guide to the Various Fields of Emigration in All Parts of the Globe, With an Introductory Essay on the Importance of Emigration, and the Danger to Which Emigrants are Exposed
Printed Book
British Library
The Emigrants' Manual
British Library
The Emigrant's Manual. Australia
University of Melbourne Archives
The Emigrants' Penny Magazine, Vol. 1-2
May 1850 - Dec 1851
British Library
Emigrants to Port Fairy. Return to Address – Mr. Wilkinson
8 Nov 1853
University of Melbourne Archives
8 December 1842
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1882. Volume 5. Agents, Individuals and Surgeons [Part 2]
7 Jan 1882 - 4 Jan 1883
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1883. Volume 4. Offices, Companies and Agents (Except Crown Agents) [Part 2]
17 Jan-21 Dec 1883
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1883. Volume 4. Offices, Companies and Agents (Except Crown Agents) [Part 3]
5 Jan 1883 - 5 Jan 1884
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1883. Volume 5. Crown Agents, Individuals and Surgeons
3 Jan 1883 - 4 Feb 1885
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1888. Volume 1. Eastern, Australian and Miscellaneous Despatches
13 Jan 1888 - 13 Apr 1889
Correspondence; Manuscript; Report
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1889. Volume 3. Offices, Companies and Crown Agents
12 Jan 1889 - 9 Sep 1890
Correspondence; Manuscript; Report
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1889. Volume 4. Agents (Except Crown Agents), Individuals and Surgeons
14 Jan 1889 - 15 Jan 1890
Correspondence; Manuscript; Report
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1892. Volume 2. West Indian Colonies
25 May 1891 - 30 Mar 1893
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1892. Volume 3. Offices and Individuals
16 Dec 1891 - 12 Jan 1893
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1893. Volume 3. Agents, Individuals and Surgeons
13 Jul 1892 - 8 Jan 1894
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1894. Volume 1
12 Oct 1892 - 29 Mar 1895
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (and Coolie Immigration), 1894. Volume 2
23 Dec 1893 - 21 Jan 1895
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration (Coolie Immigration), 1885. Volume 5. Agents, Individuals and Surgeons
6 Jan 1885 - 3 Mar 1886
Correspondence; Manuscript; Report
The National Archives
Emigration (Coolie Immigration), 1886. Volume 1. Eastern, Australian, West Indian (Except British Guiana), and Miscellaneous Colonies
7 Jan 1886 - 12 Jan 1887
Correspondence; Manuscript; Report
The National Archives
Emigration and Immigration. Regulations for the Conduct of Emigration to Victoria, for the Nomination of Immigrants by Persons Resident Therein, and for the Introduction of Persons Skilled in Special Industries – that is to say, the Manufacture of Wine or Oil, the Drying or Preservation of Fruit, the Culture and Manufacture of Tobacco
1862- Sep 1863
Report; Correspondence
University of Melbourne Archives
Emigration and Immigration: A Study in Social Science
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Emigration Application Form
18 Jul 1883
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration Circular
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration Fields of the World. Popular Lectures & Expositions
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration Fields. North America, the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand, Describing These Countries and Giving a Comparative View of the Advantages They Present to British Settlers
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration for the Million; Being the Digest of a Plan for More Equally Locating the Population of Great Britain and Ireland Throughout the British Empire
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration from the British Isles, with Special Reference to the Development of the Overseas Dominion
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
[Emigration notes for Canada, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania listing principal Emigration Societies]
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration of Females to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land
9 Jun 1832
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration Papers for the Working Classes:- Being a Description of the Climate, Soil, Products, Population, Wages, and General Inducements Offered to Different Classes of Emigrants by the Various Fields Open to Colonization. Ontario, Canada, Being a Lecture Delivered by the Rev. Henry Bartlett, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Princeton, Ontario
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration Papers for the Working Classes:- Being a Description of the Climate, Soil, Products, Population, Wages, and General Inducements Offered to Different Classes of Emigrants by the Various Fields Open to Colonization. Victoria: A Land of Plenty
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration Practically Considered; with Detailed Directions to Emigrants Proceeding to British North America, Particularly to the Canadas; in a Letter to the Right Hon. R. Wilmot Horton, M. P.
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration to America. Hints to Emigrants From Europe, Who Intend to Make a Permanent Residence in the United States, on Subjects Economical and Political, Affecting Their Welfare; Drawn Up Especially For Their Use, in July Last by the Shamrock Society of New York
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration to Canada
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Emigration to Canada of Poor Law Children
9 Jul 1903
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration to New Granada, South America (Published by Order of the Provisional Committee of the Society for Promoting Emigration to New Granada)
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration to Texas. Texas:- Being a Prospectus of the Advantages Offered to Emigrants by the Texan Emigration and Land Company
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration to the United States: A Letter Addressed to Mr. Pitkethly, of Huddersfield, Yorkshire. With the Writer's Observations on the People, the Government, Education, etc. Also, Remarks on the Fitness of the Territory of Wisconsin as a Residence for English Emigrants
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration to Upper Canada. Four Letters to the Gloucester Journal
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration! Where Shall I Go?
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration, British Colonies in North America
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration, Emigrants and Know-nothings, by a foreigner
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Emigration, Its Advantages to Great Britain and Her Colonies. Together With a Detailed Plan For the Formation of the Proposed Railway Between Halifax and Quebec, by Means of Colonization
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration, its Necessity and Advantages
Museums Victoria
Emigration, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration, North America, 1842. Commissioners, Public Offices and A to Z
21 Jan-26 Dec 1842
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration, Returns to Several Addresses to His Majesty, Dated 22 May 1833
22 May 1833
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration, with Special Reference to Minnesota, U.S. and British Columbia
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration. 1837. Miscellaneous Offices and Individuals
6 Jan-30 Dec 1837
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. The Advantages of Emigration to Canada, Being the Substance of Two Lectures, Delivered at the Town-Hall, Colchester, and the Mechanics' Institution, Ipswich
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration. The Advantages of the Far West of America, as Compared with Other Fields of Emigration
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration. Australia, 1841. Volume 4. Miscellaneous, Public Offices and A to Z
30 Dec 1840 - 31 Dec 1841
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. Australia, 1842. Volume 1, January to June. Emigration Commissioners
6 Jan-30 Jun 1842
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. Australia, 1842. Volume 2, July to December. Commissioners
4 Jul-28 Dec 1842
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. Australia, 1842. Volume 3, Miscellaneous. Public Offices and A to Z
26 Jan-23 Dec 1842
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. The British Farmer's and Farm Labourers' Guide to Ontario, the Premier Province of the Dominion of Canada
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1830 and 1831. Volume 1. Commissioners and Public Offices
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1830 and 1831. Volume 2. Miscellaneous Individuals
22 Jun 1829; 5 Mar 1830 - 31 Dec 1831
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1832. Commissioners, Public Offices and Individuals
7 Jan-18 Dec 1832
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1833. Volume 1. Emigration Committee and Agents
7 Feb 1833 - 7 Jan 1834
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1833. Volume 2. Public offices and A to Z
4 Jan-17 Dec 1833
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1834. Volume 1, Committee and Agents. Emigration Committee: Mr Marshall, Mr Buchanan and the Agents
20 Sep 1830 - 31 Dec 1834
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1835. Volume 2. Public Offices and A to Z
5 Jan 1835 - 5 Jan 1836
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1836. Offices and Individuals
11 Feb-29 Dec 1836
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1837. Volume 1. Agent-General Elliot
22 Apr 1837 - 1 Jan 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1837. Volume 2. Emigration Agents and Offices
10 Jan 1837 - 18 Jan 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1837. Volume 3. Individuals A to Z
9 Jan 1837 - 12 Jan 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1838. Volume 1. January to May. Agent-General Elliot
13 Jan-31 May 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1838. Volume 2. June to August. Agent-General Elliot
4 Jun-13 Aug 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1838. Volume 3. September to December. Agent-General Elliot
10 Sep-24 Dec 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1838. Volume 4. Public Offices
15 Jan-19 Dec 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia, 1838. Volume 5. Miscellaneous A to Z
3 Jan-21 Dec 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America and Australia. Volume 2. Public Offices and A to Z
3 Jan 1834 - 9 Jan 1835
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1828 [Part 1]
13 Oct 1827 - 9 Dec 1828
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1828. Offices and Individuals; Mr. Buchanan (Including MS. Fair Copy of Pamphlet Entitled 'Emigration Practically Considered') [Part 2]
6 Apr 1827 - 22 May 1828
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1829. Emigration Societies; Individuals
1823; 1825; 12 Mar 1829 - 12 May 1830
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1830 and 1831. Mr. Richard's Mission
25 Apr 1830 - 30 Mar 1832
Report; Manuscript; Correspondence
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1840. Commissioners, Public Offices and A-Z
1 Dec 1839; 1 Jan 1840 - 7 Jan 1841
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1841. Commissioners. Public Offices and A to Z
7 Jan 1841 - 22 Feb 1842
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. North America, 1843. Commissioners, Public Offices and A to Z
20 Nov 1842 - 23 Dec 1843; 2 Apr 1844
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Emigration. Practical Advice to Emigrants, on All Points Connected with Their Comfort and Economy, from Making Choice of a Ship, to Settling on and Cropping a Farm
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration. A Respectful Invitation to Persons of Moderate Capital, Who May be Disposed to Emigrate from Great Britain and Ireland, to Unite With Several Members of the Society of Friends, and Others, in forming an Extensive Settlement in Western Australia
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration. To Small Farmers, Mechanics and Labourers
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Emigration. Where to Go and Who Should Go. New Zealand and Australia (as Emigration Fields) in Contrast with Canada and The United States
Printed Book
British Library
Emigration. Who Should Emigrate. How to Emigrate. Where to Emigrate
Senate House Library, University of London
Emigration: An Address to the Clergy of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales on the Condition of the Working Classes, with a Few Suggestions as to their Future Welfare; Also, An Address to Persons About Emigrating to America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Emigration: Report of Commissioners. Return to an Address to His Majesty, Dated 11 August 1832 – for, Copies of Any Reports from the Commissioners for Emigration to the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, Since the Last Session of Parliament
15 Aug 1832
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Employment in Australia, No. 34
Aug 1966
Pamphlet; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
An Enquiry into the Expediency of Emigration, as it Respects the British North American Colonies
Printed Book
British Library
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1844-1845
2 Aug 1844 - 14 Jan 1845
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1845
15 Jan-26 Jun 1845
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1845
26 Jun-16 Dec 1845
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Legal Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1845-1846
16 Dec 1845 - 9 Apr 1846
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1846
9 Apr-26 Jul 1846
Correspondence; Legal Papers; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the Emigration Commission, 1846
27 Jul-17 Oct 1846
Correspondence; Legal Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the South Australian Association, 1833-1834
26 Nov 1833 - 26 Aug 1834
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the South Australian Association, 1834-1835
29 Aug 1834 - 6 Apr 1835
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the South Australian Commission, 1837-1838
16 Jun 1837 - 7 Feb 1838
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters from the South Australian Commission, 1838
7 Feb-3 Jul 1838
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office, 1838-1839
25 Apr 1838 - 30 May 1839
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office, 1839-1840
31 May 1839 - 21 Apr 1840
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office, 1840
30 May-23 Nov 1840
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1840-1841
26 Nov 1840 - 28 Aug 1841
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1841-1842
19 Aug 1841 - 20 May 1842
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1843-1844
13 Mar 1843 - 20 Apr 1844
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1844-1845
23 Apr 1844 - 28 Jul 1845
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1847-1848
1 Dec 1847 - 19 Aug 1848
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1848-1849
19 Aug 1848 - 28 Jul 1849
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1849-1850
3 Aug 1849 - 1 Apr 1850
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1850-1851
7 May 1850 - 7 Apr 1851
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1851-1852
15 Apr 1851 - 28 Jun 1852
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1852-1853
22 Jul 1852 - 13 Jul 1853
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. Australia, 1854-1871
15 Feb 1854 - 8 Mar 1871
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. North America, 1843-1847
24 Mar 1843 - 26 Aug 1847
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. North America, 1860-1866
6 Jan 1860 - 22 Dec 1866
Correspondence; Legal Papers; Financial Papers
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to the Colonial Office. West Indies, Africa, St Helena, Mauritius, 1851-1852
7 Apr 1851 - 5 Jul 1852
Correspondence; Legal Papers; Financial Papers; Report
The National Archives
Entry-Books of Correspondence: Letters to Emigration Agents, Colonial Secretaries, etc. Natal, 1849-1854
6 Jan 1849 - 21 Apr 1854
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Leaflet
The National Archives
European Jewry's Plight. The Harrison Report on European Jewry and President Truman's Letter to General Eisenhower
University of Melbourne Archives
Expositions on Emigration / West End Passenger Agency / Hints to Emigrants Going to Canada
Senate House Library, University of London
An Extensive System of Emigration Considered; With a Practical Mode of Raising the Necessary Funds
Printed Book
British Library
Extermination of the Scottish Peasantry: Being a Reply to a Letter From the Most Notable Marquess of Breadalbane, Wherein His Lordship Denies That Extensive Clearances Have Been Made Upon His Highland Properties
Printed Book
British Library
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Aug-Dec 1880
Aug-Dec 1880
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Feb-June 1883
Feb-Jun 1883
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan 1888-Dec 1890
Jan 1888 - Dec 1890
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan 1891-Dec 1892
Jan 1891 - Dec 1892
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan-June 1881
Jan-Jun 1881
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan-June 1884
Jan-Jun 1884
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan-June 1886
Jan-Jun 1886
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan-May 1882
Jan-May 1882
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jan-May 1885
Jan-May 1885
Correspondence; Pamphlet; Map
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, July 1886-Dec 1887
July 1886 - Dec 1887
Correspondence; Map; Pamphlet
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, July-Dec 1881
Jul-Dec 1881
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, July-Dec 1883
Jul-Dec 1883
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, July-Dec 1884
Jul-Dec 1884
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, Jun-Jul 1880
Jun-Jul 1880
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, June-Dec 1882
Jun-Dec 1882
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. High Commissioner's Office, London. Series I. Department of Agriculture, June-Dec 1885
Jun-Dec 1885
Library and Archives Canada
External Affairs. London High Commissioners Office. Series I. Department of Interior, Jan 1892-Dec 1893
Jan 1892 - Dec 1893
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Extract of Instructions Given to Surgeons Proceeding to New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land in Charge of Emigrants, Showing the Nature of the Arrangements Under Which They are Sent Out
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Fabre, Hector. Commissair General du Canada, Paris, 1891. Correspondence Received
Feb-May 1891
Library and Archives Canada
Facts and Figures, the Highest Testimony: What Lords Dufferin, Lorne and Landsdowne Say About the Canadian Northwest... Cost of Wheat Production... The Indian Problem Discussed
Glenbow Museum
Facts Respecting Our Unemployed, Able-bodied Poor, and the Great Advantages which Emigration to British Colonies Would Confer, Both by Immensely Improving Their Condition, as Well as Increasing Trade and Reducing the Poor's Rate
Senate House Library, University of London
Family Colonisation Loan Society, By the Grant of Loans for Two Years or More Without Interest; Or, A System of Emigration to the Colonies of New South Wales, Port Phillip, and South Australia in a Letter Dedicated by Permission to Lord Ashley M.P.
Aug 1849
Correspondence; Leaflet
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
Family Correspondence from James Costello
27 Dec 1852 - 12 Dec 1855
Correspondence; Manuscript
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Family Correspondence from James Costello
13 Mar 1856-1858
Correspondence; Manuscript
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Farming and Ranching in the Canadian North-West
Glenbow Museum
Farming Industries for Small Holders in Australia
The Robert Opie Collection
A Few Practical Arguments against the Theory of Emigration
Printed Book
British Library
The First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration (1821-1840): Its Causes and Results, with an Introduction on the Services Rendered by the Scandinavians to the World and to America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
First Emigration to Canada (Irish) 1823. Volume 1. Mr Robinson Superintendent Correspondence 1823 to 1825
2 Apr 1823 - 14 Jun 1825
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
The First Seven General Reports of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners
Report; Printed Book
British Library
The Fitness of the South African Colony of Natal as a Residence for Persons Inclined to, or Affected by, Pulmonary, Consumptive, or Strumous Disorders
Mar 1868
Senate House Library, University of London
Frances Harvey Correspondence
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Free Farms for the Million. Dominion of Canada. Free Farms of 160 Acres
Library and Archives Canada
The French Blood in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Friendly Societies' Institute. Prospectus
Printed Extract
The National Archives
From Great Britain to Australia: Thousands Have Succeeded, Why Not You?
Jan 1923 - 1924
University of Melbourne Archives
From James Cooper Who Emigrated to Upper Canada in 1836 in the Herber, Sent Out by the Petworth Emigration Committee
26 May 1838
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Functions of the Development and Migration Commission
18 Mar 1929
University of Melbourne Archives
General Information, from the Circular of the Commissioners for Emigration, Dated Colonial Office, 18th July 1831
18 Jul 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
General Information, from the Circular of the Commissioners for Emigration, Dated Colonial Office, 18th July 1831
18 Jul 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
General Order
24 Feb 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
German Achievements in America: A Tribute to the Memory of the Men and Women Who Worked, Fought and Died for the Welfare of This Country; and a Recognition of the Living Who With Equal Enterprise, Genius and Patriotism Helped in the Making of our United States
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The German Immigration into Pennsylvania Through the Port of Philadelphia from 1700 to 1775: Part II, The Redemptioners, Prepared at the Request of the Pennsylvania-German Society
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The German in America, or Advice and Instruction for German Emigrants in the United States of America. Also, a Reader for Beginners in the English and German Languages
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Germans in Colonial Times
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Geschichte der Deutschen Einwanderung in Amerika
Printed Book
British Library
A Glimpse of Iowa in 1846; or the Emigrant's Guide, and State Dictionary; With a Description of the New Purchase: Embracing Much Practical Advice and Useful Information to Intending Emigrants. Also, the New State Constitution
Printed Book
British Library
Glueck in der Neuen Heimat. Australien
University of Melbourne Archives
The Gold Fields of British Columbia
Printed Book
British Library
Good Choice of Careers in Australia
University of Melbourne Archives
The Greeks in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Growth of Australian Population
University of Melbourne Archives
Guide Book to the Canadian Dominion, Containing Full Information for the Emigrant, the Tourist, the Sportsman, and the Small Capitalist
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
A Hand-book to British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Senate House Library, University of London
The Hand-Book to Health, Wealth, and Long Life
Printed Extract
The National Archives
A Hand-book to New South Wales
Senate House Library, University of London
A Hand-book to South Australia
Senate House Library, University of London
A Handbook of Information Regarding Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and the Opportunities Offered You by the Canadian Pacific Railway in These Provinces
Glenbow Museum
A Handbook of Information Regarding the Prairie Provinces of Canada, and the Opportunities Offered You
Glenbow Museum
Handbook on the Commonwealth of Australia
Jul 1925
University of Melbourne Archives
Handbook to Vancouver Island and British Columbia, With Map
Printed Book
British Library
Handbüchlein für Auswanderer nach Nordamerika
Printed Book
British Library
Harvest-Time in Australia
Museums Victoria
Health and Social Services in Australia, No. 15
Jul 1966
Pamphlet; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
The Hebrews in America. A Series of Historical and Biographical Sketches
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Helping Settlers to Start in Canada
Glenbow Museum
Hints on Emigration to Upper Canada; Especially Addressed to the Middle and Lower Classes in Great Britain and Ireland
Printed Book
British Library
Hints on Emigration. An Address to a Company of the London Unemployed
12 Apr 1882
Senate House Library, University of London
Hints Relating to Emigrants and Emigration; Embracing Observations and Facts Intended to Display the Real Advantages of New South Wales, as a Sphere for the Successful Exercise of Industry: and Containing Information Whereby the Emigrant May Avoid the Risk of Failure in Turning His Industry or Capital to Profitable Account
Printed Book
British Library
Hints to Emigrants
Liverpool Record Office
Hints to Emigrants Going to Canada
Senate House Library, University of London
An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783: Together with Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
A History of Emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
History of the German Settlements and of the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina: from the Earliest Period of the Colonization of the Dutch, German, and Swiss Settlers to the Close of the First Half of the Present Century
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
A History of the Irish Settlers in North America: from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
A History of Norwegian Immigration to the United States from the Earliest Beginning Down to the Year 1848
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
History of Russian Americans in California, 1805-1841
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Holland in Amerika, oder die Holländische Colonie im Staate Michigan. Mitgetheilt für Auswanderer von A. Brummelkamp [A. C. van Raalte], Prediger
Printed Book
British Library
Home Life of Women In Western Canada
Glenbow Museum
Homes and Homesteads in the Land of Plenty: A Handbook of Victoria as a Field for Emigration
Printed Book
Museums Victoria
Homes in the South! 1,000,000 Acres of land in Alabama on the Line of the South and North Alabama Railroad for Sale
Senate House Library, University of London
Housing in Australia, No. 25
Aug 1966
Pamphlet; Leaflet
University of Melbourne Archives
How to Emigrate; or the British Colonists. A Tale for All Classes
Printed Book
British Library
20 Jul 1852
Report; Correspondence
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration and Refugee Services of America. Puerto Ricans – Reports, Articles, Bulletins
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Immigration and Refugee Services of America. Some Socio-Psychological Considerations in an Approach Toward American Unity
11 Sep 1941
Press Release
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Immigration Encouragement – Hostels in Australia for Girls
National Archives of Australia
Immigration Policy and Progress
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration, 1922
May-Dec 1922
Library and Archives Canada
Immigration, 1924-1925
May 1924 - Jan 1925
Library and Archives Canada
Immigration. Introduction of Vinedressers, &c, from Europe, Volume 1
Jan-Apr 1863
Correspondence; Report
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration. Introduction of vinedressers, etc., from Europe
Nov 1862 - Jan 1863
Correspondence; Report
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration. Introduction of Vinedressers, etc., from Europe, Volume 2
Apr 1863
Correspondence; Report
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration. Returns Shewing the Relationship of the Persons Sent for from the United Kingdom by Persons Resident in Victoria, Under the Immigration Regulations of 15th April, 1861 from the 23rd April to 3rd June, 1861; and Under the Regulations of 30th July, 1861 from 1st August to 7th November, 1861; also the Relationship of the Persons Sent for Under the First Mentioned Regulations, who have Arrived in Victoria
17 Dec 1861
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration. Shewing the Relationship of the Persons Sent from the United Kingdom by Persons Resident in Victoria, Under the Immigration Regulations of 24th June, 1862, from 1st July, 1862 to 25th November, 1862
16 Dec 1862
University of Melbourne Archives
Immigration: A World Movement and its American Significance
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia, Comprehending the Physical, Geography, Topography Geology, Agriculture, Fisheries, Mines, Forests, Wild Lands, Lumbering, Manufactories, Navigation, Commerce, Emigration, Improvements, Industry, Contemplated Railways, Natural History and Resources, of the Province
Printed Book
British Library
Information for Emigrants to the British Colonies Issued by the Colonial Office
Senate House Library, University of London
Information from the Immigration Association of California for New Immigrants
1 Mar 1884
Leaflet; Map
California Historical Society
Information on Emigrating to New South Wales or Van Diemen's Land
20 Oct 1837
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Information Pamphlets for Emigrants Travelling to New Zealand
Jul 1962 - 1963
Pamphlet; Correspondence
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
Information Respecting the British Colonies in North America
9 Feb 1832
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Information Respecting Upper Canada
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Information to Persons Desirous of Emigrating from This Neighbourhood to Upper Canada
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Interior of New South Wales
8 Nov 1826
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Interview with Everett Laitala (Ely, MN) [Part 1]
8 Jun 1980
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Interview with Frank Yozzo [Part 1]
12 Feb 1979
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Interview with Josephine Baldizzi Esposito [Part 1]
10 Jul 1989
Oral History (Audio)
Tenement Museum, New York
Interview with Katri Saari [Part 1]
2 Feb 1980
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Interview with Katri Saari [Part 2]
2 Feb 1980
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Interview with Katri Saari [Part 3]
2 Feb 1980
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Interview with Selema Katz [Part 2]
Oral History (Video)
Tenement Museum, New York
Interview with Theresa Tisi [Part 1]
12 Mar 1979
Oral History (Audio)
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Introduction of Vinedressers. Despatch from the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Enclosing Copy of a Note from the French Ambassador, Remonstrating Against Any Measures for Procuring the Emigration of Vinedressers from French Territory without the Previous Sanction of the French Government
Jun 1863
University of Melbourne Archives
Ireland and Irish Emigration to the New World from 1815 to the Famine
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Irish Contribution to America's Independence
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Irish Crisis
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The Irish in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Irish Migration. A Letter to William Monsell, Esq. M.P.
Printed Book
British Library
Irish Poor Law and Irish Emigration
Apr 1884
Senate House Library, University of London
The Irish Race in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Irish Scots and the "Scotch-Irish": An Historical and Ethnological Monograph, with Some Reference to Scotia Major and Scotia Minor; to which is Added a Chapter on "How the Irish came as builders of the nation"
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Irrigation Farming in Sunny Alberta
Glenbow Museum
Irrigation Farming in Sunny Alberta
Glenbow Museum
Jacob P. Leese Letters, 1843-1849
7 Aug 1843 - 5 Aug 1849
California Historical Society
Jacob P. Leese Letters, 1849-1850 [Photocopies]
19 Jan 1849 - 1 Jan 1851
California Historical Society
The Japanese Problem in the United States; An Investigation for the Commission on Relations with Japan Appointed by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Printed Book
California Historical Society
John Wiita Papers [Childhood in Finland]
12 Sep 1992
Correspondence; Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Senate House Library, University of London
Katechismus für Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika, nach Mittel- und Süd-Amerika und Australien
Printed Book
British Library
La Question Chinois aux Etats-Unis et dans les Possessions des Puissances Européenes
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Lament of the Irish Emigrant
13 Mar 1897
National Library of Ireland
A Land of Plenty. The Canadian North-West
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Lands in the Province of New Brunswick for Sale by the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Lands in Upper Canada to be Disposed of by the Canada Company
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The 'Last Best West' Canada West: Homes for Millions
Glenbow Museum
The Last Best West: Canada in the Twentieth Century. Western Canada Vast Agricultural Resources. Homes for Millions
Library and Archives Canada
A Lecture on Colonization and Emigration, Delivered at a Public Meeting at Walsall, Staffordshire, on Tuesday Evening, March 20th, 1849
20 Mar 1849
Printed Book
British Library
Lees dit! Het Beste Tarweland en Weideland der Wereld
Library and Archives Canada
Letter [to Kathleen O'Brennan] from Father Albert Seeking Information About the Economic Situation in Ireland so as to Advocate for the Support of Irish Immigrants in the United States
3 Sep 1924
National Library of Ireland
Letter Discussing Alternative Systems of Finance and Taxation
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Letter from Immigrants Edith, Henry and Lucy Nayler to Uncle Thos (Thomas) Smith in Doncaster, England
25 Jun 1843
Correspondence; Manuscript
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
A Letter from John Keenan Regarding Travel from Liverpool to the United States
7 Nov 1860
Correspondence; Manuscript
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
Letter from Seaghan Ua Paorach, Rúnaire, Gaelic League Craobh Ollamh Fadla, Belfast, to Padraic Pearse, Editor of 'An Claidheamh Soluis'
3 Apr 1903
National Library of Ireland
Letter Received from an Agricultural Labourer Who Went Out to Canada in 1831
10 Oct 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Letter to Joseph McGarrity Regarding Attempts to Recruit Irish Immigrants in San Francisco
17 Nov 1916
National Library of Ireland
A Letter to Mr. Stickney, of Holderness, on Emigration to Canada, by John Mewburn, of Niagara, Upper Canada, and Late of Whitby, Yorkshire
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Eliot, on Colonisation; Considered as a Means of Removing the Causes of Irish Misery; and of Preventing the Wages of Labour in England From Being Permanently Forced Down, by Irish Immigrants, to the Starvation Level
Printed Book
British Library
Letter, from Thomasina Tye, England to Arthur Tye, Melbourne
c.Nov 1928
Correspondence; Manuscript
Museums Victoria
Letters From the Dorking Emigrants Who Went to Upper Canada in the Spring of 1832
Printed Book
British Library
Letters from Roy and Verna Benson, 1909
3 Apr 1909 - 25 July 1909
Glenbow Museum
Letters re Company's General Business, 1890s
Glenbow Museum
Letters to Jacob P. Leese, 1838-1859
4 Apr 1838 - 24 Oct 1859
California Historical Society
Life of Harris Kempner (1837-1894)
7 Mar 1837 - 13 Apr 1894
Personal Account
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Limerick Emigrants' Friend Society
Printed Extract
The National Archives
List of Queries Regarding the Question of Sending Orphan Boys to the Colonies
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Log of the Euterpe, Volume 13, 1900-1903
1 Oct 1900 - 8 Sep 1903
Shipping Papers
Maritime Museum of San Diego
Log of the Euterpe, Volume 15, 1906-1907
14 Apr 1906 - 11 Sep 1907
Shipping Papers
Maritime Museum of San Diego
London High Commissioner. Emigration. W. T. R. Preston's Report, 1901-1906 [Folder 1]
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
London High Commissioner. Emigration. W. T. R. Preston's Report, 1901-1906 [Folder 2]
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
London High Commissioner. Emigration. W. T. R. Preston's Reports, 1899-1900
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
London High Commissioner. Professor Tanner's Emigration Scheme, 1885-1886
6 Jul 1885 - 15 Jan 1886
Library and Archives Canada
London Poor Law Unions: Poplar 282A. Child Migration
Jul 1884 - Dec 1885
Correspondence; Financial Papers
The National Archives
L'ouest Canadien …
Glenbow Museum
Machraichean Mora Chanada: Dorus Fosgailte do'n Ghaidheal / Ailghinn La Bhruinn
Glenbow Museum
Manitoba and the Canadian North-west
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
A Manual for Emigrants, or, Overseas Opportunities Surveyed
Printed Book
University of Melbourne Archives
Map of Post-war Zone of German Occupation
Special Collections & University Archives, University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago
Medical Journal of the Hired Ship John Calvin, by John Will Bowler, Surgeon, During which Time the Ship was Employed in Making a Voyage to Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land with Female and Free Settlers
21 Dec 1847 - 23 May 1848
Shipping Papers
The National Archives
Meet These Australians
University of Melbourne Archives
A Meeting was Held at the Mansion House, Newbury, on Thursday the 8th of March, 1832, for the Purpose of forming a Society for Promoting Enquiry Respecting Emigration
8 Mar 1832
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Meliora: or, Better Times to Come. Being the Contributions of Many Men Touching the Present State and Prospects of Society
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Memoirs from a Minnesota Iron Ore Mine [Matti Pelto Autobiography]
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
The Memoirs of Anna Yona
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
The Memorial of the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the City of Edinburgh
21 Feb 1843
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Memories of David Yona
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Meyer, R. Correspondence
Feb 1885 - Feb 1887
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Migration from Europe ... A Report of Experience
University of Melbourne Archives
The Migration of Labour
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Mr Andrew Doyle, correspondence and papers related to the North Western District. Includes papers related to the education and care of pauper children, such as assisted emigration for children of workable age
Jan 1858 - Jul 1871
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Report
The National Archives
Mustering on a Sheep Station
Museums Victoria
National Children's Homes Including a Personal Account of the SS Polynesian Voyage in 1873
Personal Account; Newspaper; Leaflet
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
The National Emigration Ballot
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The National Importance of Emigration. Considered in a Letter Addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Lyttelton, President of "The National Colonial Emigration Society"
Printed Book
British Library
Nature and Conditions of Assistance By Government to Emigrants to New South Wales
27 July 1838
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Neueste Briefe und Nachrichten aus Texas
Printed Book
British Library
New Brunswick as a Home for Emigrants: With the Best Means of Promoting Immigration, and Developing the Resources of the Province
Printed Book
British Library
New Brunswick; With Notes for Emigrants Comprehending the Early History, an Account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Commerce, Timber, Manufactures, Agriculture, Fisheries, Geology, Natural History, Social and Political State, Immigrants, and Contemplated Railways of That Province
Printed Book
British Library
The New Colony of Port Natal, with Information for Emigrants. Second Edition
Printed Book
British Library
The New Government Colony. British Columbia and Vancouver's Island. A Complete Hand-book Replete With the Latest Information Concerning the Newly-discovered Gold Fields. With a Map
Printed Book
British Library
A New Guide for Emigrants to the Western States of North America, Comprising Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, & Iowa
National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives & Library
The New Settlers League of N.S.W. Report of the First Migrants' Conference In Australia
16 Oct 1954
University of Melbourne Archives
New South Wales &c. (Crown Lands and Emigration) Return to an Address to His Majesty, Dated 14 September 1831 – for, Copies of the Royal Instructions to the Governors of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia, as to the Mode to be Adopted in Disposing of Crown Lands. Together with Such Parts of Any Despatches Addressed to Them as Relate to the Same Subject, or to the Means by Which Emigration may be Facilitated
13 Oct 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
New South Wales Original Correspondence – Secretary of State. Port Jackson: Offices and Individuals
Jul-Dec 1803
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Legal Papers
The National Archives
New South Wales, 1818. Original Correspondence – Secretary of State, Individuals. Miscellaneous A-Z [Part 1]
Jan-Dec 1818
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Legal Papers
The National Archives
New South Wales, 1818. Original Correspondence – Secretary of State, Individuals. Miscellaneous A-Z [Part 2]
Jan-Dec 1818
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Newspaper
The National Archives
New South Wales, 1818. Original Correspondence – Secretary of State, Individuals. Miscellaneous A-Z [Part 3]
Jan-Dec 1818
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Legal Papers
The National Archives
New South Wales, 1818. Original Correspondence – Secretary of State, Individuals. Miscellaneous A-Z [Part 4]
Jan-Dec 1818
Correspondence; Financial Papers; Legal Papers
The National Archives
New Zealand (the Land of Promise) and its Resources
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
New Zealand Company, Original Correspondence. General, Folio 1-500
Jan-Dec 1841
The National Archives
New Zealand Company, Original Correspondence. General, Folio 1001-1500
Jan-Dec 1841
The National Archives
New Zealand Company, Original Correspondence. General, Folio 1201-1600
Jun-Jul 1848
The National Archives
New Zealand Company, Original Correspondence. General, Folio 1501-2000
Jan-Dec 1841
The National Archives
New Zealand. Land and Farming in New Zealand. Information Respecting the Mode of Acquiring Land in New Zealand; with Particulars as to Farming, Wages, Prices of Provisions, etc., in That Colony; also the Land Acts of 1877
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Newfoundland in 1842: A Sequel to "The Canadas in 1841", Volume 1
Printed Book
British Library
Newfoundland in 1842: A Sequel to "The Canadas in 1841", Volume 2
Printed Book
British Library
No Emigration. The Testimony of Experience, Before a Committee of Agriculturists and Manufacturers on the Report of the Emigration Committee of the House of Commons: Sir John English, in the Chair
Printed Book; Report
British Library
North America Settlers and Offices, 1825
5 Jan-31 Dec 1825
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North America Settlers, 1836; Offices and Individuals
14 Jan-22 Dec 1836
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North America – Emigration. Return to an Address to His Majesty, Dated 1 August 1832 for, Copy of Any Acts Passed by the Colonies in British North America, and Which Have Received His Majesty's Sanction, by Which a Tax is to be Levied on Emigrants Arriving from the United Kingdom. Also, Copy of Circular from the Colonial Office, Recommending the Same
11 Aug 1832
Printed Extract
The National Archives
North America, 1828. Offices and Individuals, Mr. Buchanan [Part 3]
Report; Manuscript
The National Archives
North America, 1829. Commander in Chief; Settlers A to Z
6 Jan 1829 - 5 Jan 1830
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North America. Settlers, 1823
3 Jan-26 Dec 1823
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers and Offices, 1820
1 Jan-31 Dec 1820
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers and Offices, 1822
2 Jan-26 Dec 1822
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1821
24 Apr 1816 - 28 Dec 1821
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1824
4 Jan-27 Nov 1824
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1827. Volume 1. English and Scotch Applicants, Offices and Individuals
2 Jan-30 Dec 1827
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1827. Volume 2. Irish Applicants
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1828
3 Jan-23 Dec 1828
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1830. Emigration Societies; Individuals
1 Jan-31 Dec 1830
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1830. Volume 1. Public Offices and Individuals, A-G
3 Jan-16 Dec 1831
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1831. Volume 2. Offices and Individuals, Miscellaneous H-Z
22 Dec 1830 - 30 Dec 1831
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1832. Offices and Individuals
2 Jan-30 Dec 1832
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1834. Offices and Individuals
9 Jan-31 Dec 1834
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1835. Offices and Individuals
5 Jan 1835 - 22 May 1836
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
North American Settlers, 1837 and 1838
2 Jan 1837 - 30 Nov 1838
Correspondence; Manuscript
The National Archives
Notices of New Zealand. Regulations of the New Zealand, Manakou and Waitemata Company
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Nova Scotia Considered as a Field for Emigration
Printed Book
British Library
An Oath of Allegiance [to the English Crown], Signed by Walloons Emigrating to Virginia
Correspondence; Legal Papers
The National Archives
Observations on the Present State of the Highlands of Scotland, With a View of the Causes and Probable Consequences of Emigration
Printed Book
British Library
Off to School in the Australian Bush
Museums Victoria
Oregon: Its Resources, Climate, People, and Productions
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Ottawa, the Future Capital of Canada: A Description of the Country; Its Resources, Trade, Population, &c.; Who Are Wanted; How to Get There. Hints to Emigrants. With an Excellent View of the City
Printed Book
British Library
Otto Albrecht Letter and Translation
Nov 1860 - 19 Jan 1928
Correspondence; Manuscript
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Our Great West. A Lecture Delivered Under the Auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association of Christ Church Cathedral, on the Evening of the 27th February, 1873
Printed Book
British Library
Our West African Settlements
Senate House Library, University of London
Overseas Settlement, 1922-1923
Jan 1922 - Feb 1923
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Overseas Settlement, 1924-1934
Feb 1924 - Jul 1934
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Overseas Settlement, 1927-1929
Feb 1927 - Jul 1929
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Overseas Settlement, 1927-1929
1927 - Aug 1929
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Overseas Settlement, 1928
Feb-Nov 1928
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Overseas Settlement, 1928-1930
Dec 1928 - Jul 1930
Correspondence; Report
Library and Archives Canada
Own a "Selected" Farm to Fit Your Needs Along the Line of the Canadian National Railways: Read, Think, Act
Glenbow Museum
Pamphlet sur La Colonisation dans La Vallee d'Ottawa, au Nord de Montreal, et Reglements et Avantages de la Société de Colonisation du Diocèse de Montréal
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
[Pamphlets on emigration and religion]
British Library
Passage Receipt and Indenture Agreement
15 Oct 1817
Shipping Papers
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Pauper Children (Emigration to Canada). Copy of the Reply of Mr. Doyle to Miss Rye's Report
Senate House Library, University of London
The Peril of Melbourne
Museums Victoria
Petition from Members of the United Emigration Society of Glasgow and Neighbourhood in Respect of the Emigration of Weavers and the Related Government Response
c.15 Mar 1830
Printed Extract
The National Archives
A Plan of Emigration Which Would Give Employment to Every Person in the Country Capable of Labour, and at the Same Time Relieve the Burdens of the State
Printed Extract
The National Archives
"The Pommies" or New Chums in Australia
Printed Book
University of Melbourne Archives
Population Problems in Australia
University of Melbourne Archives
The Prairie Provinces of Canada
Glenbow Museum
Prices and Wages in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land
19 Oct 1837
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Proposal for a Society to be formed to Deal With Female Emigration to the Convict Colonies
29 Nov 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Proposal for a Society to be formed to Deal With Female Emigration to the Convict Colonies
29 Nov 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Prospectus. North American Colonial Association of Ireland
Printed Extract
The National Archives
A Protest Against the Present Emigrationists; Including Remedies for the Present Stagnation of Trade, and Finally to Remove Starvation, Pauperism and Crime. Dedicated to the Working Classes
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Public Notice
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Publicity – Immigration Publicity Campaign Through the Religious Press of the UK
National Archives of Australia
Purposes of Emigration Societies, Union and Agency. To the Emigration Union of Ceres, Scoonie, Kennoway, Cults and Large
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Purposes of Emigration Societies, Union and Agency. To the Emigration Union of Ceres, Scoonie, Kennoway, Cults, and Largo
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Quebec Emigrant Society
16 Nov 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Questions Submitted to A. C. Buchanan, Esq. His Majesty's Resident Agent for Settlers in the Canadas, at Quebec, on Behalf of Certain Large Landed Proprietors in Ireland, Respecting the Removal to These Provinces of a Portion of Their Poor Tenantry, with the Answers Following
14 Oct 1831
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Rathgeber für Auswanderer nach Nordamerica oder Unleitung für Dieselben ihre Reise nach jenem Lande und Riederlassung daselbst auf Vernünftige und Vortheilhafte Weise zu Unternehmen, nach im Fahre 1832 auf einer Reise durch Nordamerica Gesammelten Erfahrungen
Printed Book
British Library
Receipts and Promissory Notes, 1841-1858
Legal Papers; Ephemera
California Historical Society
Registers of Correspondence, Orders, Statistics, etc., and Miscellaneous Certificates 1-3360
6 Jan 1836 - 6 Nov 1838
Legal Papers
The National Archives
Registers of Correspondence, Orders, Statistics, etc., and Miscellaneous Certificates 3361-7078
7 Nov 1838 - 17 Feb 1840
Legal Papers
The National Archives
Registers of Correspondence, Orders, Statistics, etc., and Miscellaneous Certificates 7079-9422
17 Feb 1840 - 20 Mar 1841
Legal Papers
The National Archives
Registers of Correspondence, Orders, Statistics, etc., and Miscellaneous, The Colonial Gazette, 1839
The National Archives
Registers of Correspondence, Orders, Statistics, etc., and Miscellaneous, The Colonial Gazette, 1840
The National Archives
Relief for the Unemployed! Emigration and Colonization Considered, With Special Reference to the Australasian Colonies of South Australia and New Zealand; With Some Proofs of Their Rich Natural Resources, and of Their Capabilities of Furnishing Productive Employment for Innumerable Labourers and Small Capitalists, Unable to Procure Remunerative Occupation at Home
Printed Book
British Library
Reminiscences of Ann Raney Thomas Coleman [Part 1]
Personal Account
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Reminiscences of Rosa Cavallieri (Cassettari)
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Rental Agreements
1 Sep 1832; 1 Nov 1850
Legal Papers
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Report of the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Committee
27 Feb 1946
University of Melbourne Archives
Report of the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Committee
27 Feb 1946
University of Melbourne Archives
Reports of Tenant Farmers' Delegates on the Dominion of Canada as a Field for Settlement
Printed Book; Report
Senate House Library, University of London
Reports of Tenant Farmers' Delegates on the Dominion of Canada as a Field for Settlement
Printed Book; Report
Senate House Library, University of London
Reports on the Scheme for Indian Emigration to British Guiana
Printed Book; Report
Senate House Library, University of London
Representation to Her Majesty's Government from the London Highland Destitution Relief Committee
26 Jun 1839
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Resources of Los Angeles County, California
Printed Book
California Historical Society
The Rise and Progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, in Which will be Found a Colonial Directory; Increase and Habits of Population; Tables of Revenue and Expenditure; Commercial Growth and Present Position of Each Dependency; Intellectual, Social & Moral Condition of the People, &c., Gathered from Authentic Sources, Official Documents and Personal Observation, in Each of the Colonies, Cities, and Provinces Enumerated
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Rob.t Gourlay. Colonial Agent
15 Feb 1828
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Rukavina Family History
Personal Account
Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
The Santa Ana Valley of Southern California: Its Resources, Climate, Growth and Future
California Historical Society
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 13: Arrival in New Zealand with Boys, 1911
Oct-Nov 1911
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 14: Letters of Approval, Questions in Parliament, Schools, Meetings and Lectures
Dec 1911 - Mar 1913
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 15: Board of Guardians
Mar-Apr 1912
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 16: Board of Guardians and Imperial Populations
Feb-Mar 1912
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 17: Canada
Report; Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 18: Australia and Canada; Assisted Passage Scheme for Female Household Workers, Canada's Welcome to Women
Pamphlet; Correspondence; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 19: Australia and Canada; Association for Befriending Boys, Immigrant Women
1911 - Mar 1912
Pamphlet; Correspondence; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 1: Arrival in New Zealand, 1910-1911
Oct 1910 - Feb 1911
Correspondence; Photograph; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 20: Social Reform and Training Farms
Pamphlet; Correspondence; Newspaper; Photograph
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 21: British Immigration in Canada
Leaflet; Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 22: Boy Migration; Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Jun 1912 - Sep 1913
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 23: Canada and Australia; We are Going on Ontario Farms; Receiving Depot for Immigrants
Newspaper; Correspondence; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 24: Australia
Jun 1909 - 1913
Newspaper; Correspondence; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 25: Australia; New Zealand
Dec 1911 - Mar 1913
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 26: New Zealand Development and the Sedgewick Boys
Nov 1909 - Mar 1913
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 27: South Africa and Australia; The Navy and Military Emigration League; The War Immigrant
Newspaper; Correspondence; Pamphlet
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 28: Australia; The Navy and Military Emigration League; The War Immigrant; New Zealand and Canada
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 29: Town Lads on Imperial Farms
Mar 1913 - Jul 1914
Newspaper; Correspondence; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 2: Arrival in New Zealand with Boys, 1911
Feb-Mar 1911
Correspondence; Photograph; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 30: Mass Meeting; Why the London Press Favours Alien Immigration and English Emigration
May 1913 - Aug 1914
Newspaper; Correspondence; Leaflet
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 31: Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Newspaper; Correspondence
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 32: Town Lads on Imperial Farms; Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa; The Navy and Military Emigration League; The War Immigrant; New Zealand
Newspaper; Correspondence; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 33: Tariff and Trade; Standing Emigration Committee; War Service and the War Immigrant
Jan 1914 - Dec 1916
Newspaper; Report; Postcard
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 3: Reports and Articles on The Sedgewick Boys' Arrival in New Zealand
Mar-May 1911
Correspondence; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 4: Arrival in New Zealand with Boys, 1911
Mar-May 1911
Correspondence; Newspaper
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 5: Arrival in New Zealand with Boys; Opportunities in New Zealand
Jul 1910 - Jun 1911
Correspondence; Newspaper; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 6: Western Australia. Immigration Regulations
1910 - Oct 1911
Correspondence; Newspaper; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sedgwick Migration Scrapbook 7: Australia and Canada, Canadian Pacific
1910 - Dec 1911
Pamphlet; Correspondence; Newspaper; Report
Cambridge University Library
Sequel to the Counsel for Emigrants, Containing Interesting Information From Numerous Sources; with Original Letters From Canada
Printed Book
British Library
Seven Years in America: Advice to British Emigrants
Printed Book
British Library
A Short Guide for Intending Emigrants to Victoria, The Garden State of Australia
Museums Victoria
Sidney's Emigrant's Journal and Traveller's Magazine
5 Oct 1848 - 12 Jul 1849
British Library
The Sixteenth Report of the Committee of the Warwick County Asylum
30 Jun 1833 - 30 Jun 1834
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Skaguay News No.1
15 Oct 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.11
24 Dec 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.12
31 Dec 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.12 Special Edition
31 Dec 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.2
22 Oct 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.3
29 Oct 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.4
5 Nov 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.5
12 Nov 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.7
26 Nov 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.8
3 Dec 1897
Glenbow Museum
The Skaguay News No.9
10 Dec 1897
Glenbow Museum
"Social Science:" A Lecture on Land and Money; Emigration and Colonization, and Reform of Our Money Laws, the True Remedies for Social Evils
Printed Book
British Library
Some Suggestions for the Formation of a System of General Emigration, and for the Disposal of Convicts in the Colonies
Printed Book
British Library
South Australia
Senate House Library, University of London
Southern California: Geography, Climate, Soil and Productions, Past, Present and Future of the Golden State. A Few Facts of Interest to Tourists and Immigrants
California Historical Society
[Spanish Letters, 1837-1862]
Apr 1837-28 Feb 1852
California Historical Society
Speech of the Hon. Francis Scott, M.P., in November, 1848, on Moving a Resolution for the Establishment of a Branch of the Colonization Society at Leeds
Printed Book
British Library
Stanford's Emigrant Guides. Canada: Its Present Condition, Prospects, and Resources, Fully Described for the Information of Intending Emigrants
Printed Book
British Library
Stanford's Emigrant Guides. Canada: Its Present Condition, Prospects, and Resources, Fully Described for the Information of Intending Emigrants
Printed Book
British Library
State Aid to Emigrants. A Reply to Lord Brabazon
Senate House Library, University of London
State Emigration: An Essay
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
The State of Texas
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
State-aided Emigration
Senate House Library, University of London
The Story of the Walloons: At Home in Lands of Exile and in America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Stripping an Average Australian Wheat Crop
Museums Victoria
Successful American Settlers in Western Canada Invite You to Come
Glenbow Museum
A Teamster's Camp in Australia Carting Wheat to a Railway Station
Museums Victoria
Tegg's Handbook for Emigrants; Containing Useful Information and Practical Directions on Domestic, Mechanical, Surgical, Medical, and Other Subjects, Calculated to Increase the Comforts, and Add to the Conveniences of the Colonist
Printed Book
British Library
The Tenant Farmer and Tradesman's Opportunity. Part II. The Colonies of Colorado in Their Relations to English Enterprise and Settlement
Senate House Library, University of London
Texas Association for Colonization Report
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Texas, U.S.A. By an Old Traveller
Senate House Library, University of London
Texas. Das Verderben Deutscher Auswanderer in Texas unter dem Schuße des Mainzer Vereins
Printed Book
British Library
There are Good Jobs and Good Prospects in Australia
University of Melbourne Archives
Things as They Are; or, America in 1819. By an Emigrant, Just Returned to England
Printed Book
British Library
Timber Tramway in a Beautiful Setting
Museums Victoria
To All Friends to the Distressed, and Well-disposed Christians, the Petition of the Glasgow Emigrant Society
Printed Extract
The National Archives
To All Friends to the Distressed, and Well-disposed Christians, the Petition of the Glasgow Emigration Society
Printed Extract
The National Archives
To Emigrants. Canada: Its Advantages to Settlers
Printed Book
British Library
To Emigrants. New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land
10 Apr 1834
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Transactions of the Central Relief Committee of the Society of Friends During the Famine in Ireland, in 1846 and 1847
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Treasure Island British Empire Exhibition, Wembley 1925
The Robert Opie Collection
A True Picture of Emigration; or Fourteen Years in the Interior of North America; Being a Full Account of the Various Difficulties and Ultimate Success of an English Family Who Emigrated From Barwick-In-Elmet, Near Leeds, in the Year 1831
Printed Book
British Library
Two Tracts: Information to Those who Would Remove to America. And, Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Unemployed Tradesmen and Labourers
c. 1843
Printed Extract
The National Archives
The Universal Emigration and Colonization Company, Embracing the Principle of Freehold Assurance
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Unto the Honourable the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament Assembled, the Humble Petition of the Undersigned Inhabitants of Glasgow and Neighbourhood
Printed Extract
The National Archives
Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their History, Resources, and Prospects
Printed Book
Senate House Library, University of London
Victoria for the Settler: Irrigation Areas
Museums Victoria
Victoria: The Irrigated Areas. Information for Prospective Settlers
Museums Victoria
Views on the Formation of a British and American Land and Emigration Company. Addressed to the British Public
Printed Book
British Library
Virginia and its Resources. General Information for Emigrants
Senate House Library, University of London
A Vote for the Free State is a Vote for Emigration or Starvation. Vote Republican for Freedom and Prosperity
National Library of Ireland
Wanderbuch 1845
Personal Account
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Wegweiser nach Südaustralien oder Südaustralien in seiner Jetzigen Gestalt
Printed Book
British Library
The West Virginia Hand Book and Immigrant's Guide
Printed Book
British Library
Wheat and Sheep Farming In Australia
Museums Victoria
Where to Emigrate and Why: Homes and Fortunes in the Boundless West and the Sunny South; their Climate, Scenery, Soil, Productions, Railroads, Mining Interests and General Resources; the Cost of Farm Lands, How to Obtain Titles, the Homestead and other Land Laws, the Rates of Wages, &c., &c. With a Complete History and Description of the Pacific Railroad
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
Why and How. Why the Chinese Emigrate, and the Means they Adopt for the Purpose of Reaching America, with Sketches of Travel, Amusing Incidents, Social Customs
Printed Book
American Antiquarian Society
The Wondrous West
Glenbow Museum
Work, Wages and Conditions in Canada
Glenbow Museum
A Young Doctor's Struggles in Texas. Diary of James Shepperd
Personal Account
Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin