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Title Immigration Encouragement – Hostels in Australia for Girls
Date 1919-1920
Document Type Correspondence
Reference A2, 1920/541
Library / Archive National Archives of Australia
Collection Name Correspondence files, annual single number series
Description Correspondence concerning the establishment by the Young Women's Christian Association of a privately financed chain of hostels in Australia for the accommodation of girls coming to Australia from England after the war.
Series Description The series covers a range of subjects dealt with by the Prime Minister’s Department from 1904 to 1920, including amendments to Acts; public utilities such as railways; banking and financial matters.
Theme(s) Motives for Emigration; Religion, Ethnic Identity and Community Relations
Country (from) Great Britain
Country (to) Australia
Places Adelaide, South Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; London, England
Ports Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Nationality Australian; English; European
People Theodore, Edward C; Snelson, Amy A; Herring, Mrs Sydney
Keywords women, hostel, accommodation, war, Young Women Christianity Association, finance, expenses, commonwealth, Christianity, assisted emigration, emigration scheme, lodging house, government, female emigration, employment, telegram
Additional Information Please note: Some of the metadata for this document has been taken from the National Archives of Australia catalogue.
Language English
Copyright National Archives of Australia