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Title Interview with Joseph and Mary Migliori [Part 1]
Date 1979
Document Type Oral History (Audio)
Name Migliori, Mary; Migliori, Joseph
Interviewer Evans, Patricia
Date of Recording 1979
Duration 00:31:23
Reference IHRC1106, Box 1, AV185
Library / Archive Immigration History Research Center Archives, University of Minnesota
Collection Name Italians in Dobbs Ferry Oral History Collection
Description Oral history conducted with Joseph and Mary. Joseph discusses his migration and losing his passport en route to America. Comments on the journey and the food, and his class of ticket. Also, discusses his first job in a paper mill, and later, as a baker. Mary-Louise also discusses her decision to emigrate. Together, they touch on marriage, their education, English, the local stores and families of Dobbs Ferry, citizenship, making wine, banking and voting.
Theme(s) Permanent Settlement and Successive Generations; Journey Conditions
Country (from) Italy; France
Country (to) United States of America
Places Dobbs Ferry, White Plains, Hastings, Ellis Island, New York, Hackensack, New Jersey, United States; Naples, Sicily, Italy
Ports Le Havre, France; New York, United States
Nationality Italian; European
People Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano; Harding, President Warren G; Hoover, President Herbert
Keywords migration, emigration, immigrant, female migration, agriculture, farming, passport, employment, employment, marriage, family, church, housing, education, language, citizenship, alcohol, wine, voting, election, politics, banking, finance, ticket
Catalogue Link Immigration History Research Center Archives Catalogue
Language English
Document(s) linked to Interview with Joseph and Mary Migliori [Part 2]
Notes on the Oral History of Joseph & Mary Migliori
Copyright Reproduced by kind permission of the Dobbs Ferry Historical Society, Dobbs Ferry, New York.