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Title The French Blood in America
Author Fosdick, L J
Date 1906
Document Type Printed Book
Publisher Information New York: Baker & Taylor
Reference G450.F748.F911
BIB ID 89373
Library / Archive American Antiquarian Society
Collection Name Immigration General
Description Looks at the history of French migration to the New World (Brazil, Florida, Canada), with a main focus on the United States. The author examines early attempts at colonisation, migration to New England, and the French community in New York, Pennsylvania and the southern states. He finishes by discussing Franco-American relations and the impact of French migration on the United States.
Theme(s) Motives for Emigration; Arrivals: Ports and Early Experiences; Religion, Ethnic Identity and Community Relations
Country (from) France
Country (to) United States of America
Places Florida, New England, Maine, New York City, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States; France; Brazil; Canada
Nationality French
People Nicolas Durand, sieur de Villegaignon; Jay, John; Hamilton, Alexander; Gano, John; Gano, Stephen; Boudinot, Elias; Girard, Stephen; Marion, Francis; Sevier, John
Keywords emigration, immigration, religion, church, persecution, push factors, pull factors, colony, settlement, community relations
Additional Information Please note: Some of the metadata for this document has been taken from the American Antiquarian Society catalogue.
Language English
Copyright American Antiquarian Society