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Title St. Patrick's Day: Its Celebration in New York and other American Places, 1737-1845; How the Anniversary was Observed by Representative Organizations, and the Toasts Proposed
Author Crimmins, John Daniel (1844-1917)
Date 1902
Document Type Printed Book
Reference G470.C929.S902
BIB ID 87162
Library / Archive American Antiquarian Society
Collection Name Irish in America
Description Charts the history of St. Patrick's Day as a festival and cultural celebration in the United States, with particular focus on The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Theme(s) Religion, Ethnic Identity and Community Relations
Country (from) Ireland
Country (to) United States of America
Places Boston, Massachusetts, New York City, Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States; Canada; Cork, Limerick, Ireland
Nationality Irish; Irish American
Keywords culture, ethnic organisation, festival, community relations, religion
Additional Information Please note: Some of the metadata for this document has been taken from the American Antiquarian Society catalogue.
Language English
Copyright American Antiquarian Society